Pinnacle - Single Pitch

Virtually Unlimited Design Possibilities with Spans up to 22' Wide

Most common applications:

  • Applications with a pitch between 15° and 60°
  • Public education, healthcare, and office buildings
  • Retail and shopping malls

Key benefits:

  • A metal frame capable of up to 22' wide with unlimited length
  • Hinge design with infinitely variable pitch angles between 15° and 60°
  • Choose the Pinnacle 350, 600, or 900 for aluminum rafter tube depths from 3.5" to 9" – the 350 can support spans of up to 18' wide, while the 900 can span up to 40'
  • Available with high-performance glazing technology and a wide array of finish options

SageGlass - Pinnacle 900 Single Slope
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Product Details

  • Sizes
    Framing System Support Spans Up To* Aluminum Rafter Tube Depth
    Pinnacle 350 9′ Wide 3.5″
    Pinnacle 600 15′ Wide 6″
    Pinnacle 900 22′ Wide 9″
    Pinnacle HU (Hurricane) 7′ Wide 3.5″ or 6″
    *Approximate span widths depending on configuration and load.
    HU tested to meet 80 psf design pressure, and small and large missile impact. Available with laminated or insulating glazing.
